An android application that can assist the master, or any other officer, to properly and simply evaluate a crew member that presents signs of a mental problem.

Seafarer’s Mental Health is of paramount importance. The trainings and workshops about mental health awareness, although extremely important, are inadequate to assist them to identify and formulate interventions for the assistance of a person onboard with mental health problems.

That is precisely what CASE Application developed by ASCOT is about. An android application that can assist the master, or any other officer, to properly and simply evaluate a crew member that presents signs of a mental problem. CASE provides a rudimentary diagnosis, but most importantly interventions that are clear, simple and applicable to maritime.

The CASE application was designed to assist shipping companies and the officers onboard to evaluate and assist seafarers that experience specific problems, common in maritime industry.

The evaluator has just to select the symptoms that have been identified for the seafarer, based on what has seen and the observations from the rest of the crew. These symptoms are simply outlined and grouped for greater efficiency on Behavioural, Emotional and Physical. Also, there is a descriptive search ability to save time and make the symptom identification as easy and clear as possible.

After the symptoms are selected then the CASE is ready. The application will present what is the possible problem and first-aid interventions that the crew can easily utilize while onboard.

The issues that CASE evaluates were carefully selected based on various studies on the Mental Hearth of seafarers and ASCOT’s own study from the assessment of 68.000 seafarers from all ranks and 68 countries.

Specifically, CASE assesses the following issues:

  • Anxiety

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Depression

  • Suicide Ideation

  • Paranoid Ideation

  • Burnout

  • Fatigue

  • Bullying

  • Abuse in the Workplace

  • Work-Related Stress

For all above-mentioned issues we provide simple descriptions and list of symptoms. Furthermore, we provide simple and practical first aid interventions that can be used to ensure the safety of the person, and the rest of the crew. These interventions and instructions about what to do and not to do, can assist the crew to help in a constructive and safe manner the seafarer who experiences the problem until, the vessel reaches a port. Furthermore, the application can be connected with predesignated email and support numbers via phone, WhatsApp & Viber for more immediate and affective support. The aim of this application is not to replace doctors and mental health professionals.

On the following video you can see the basic features of the application that can significantly improve the safety and the efficiency of the crew in cases of a mental health problem onboard.